001: #ifndef __INCLUDE_HTML2TXT_H__
002: #define __INCLUDE_HTML2TXT_H__
004: #include <string.h>
005: #include <memory.h>
006: #include "common.h"
008: static char* h2tprog = "html2txt v1.0";
009: //-----------------------------------------------------------------
010: // コマンドオプション
011: //-----------------------------------------------------------------
012: enum SHOW_LINK {
013:     SW_NOLINK = 0,
014:     SW_LINK   = 1
015: };
016: enum URL_OPTION {
017:     BASE_NONE = 0,
018:     BASE_URL  = 1
019: };
020: //-----------------------------------------------------------------
021: // 無視するタグの区間
022: //-----------------------------------------------------------------
023: #define SKIPTAG_N 3
024: static char* skip_tag[] = {
025:     "script",
026:     "style",
027:     "xml"
028: };
029: //-----------------------------------------------------------------
030: //
031: // Html Option Class:
032: //   プログラム実行のオプション設定
033: //
034: //-----------------------------------------------------------------
035: class CHtmlOption {
036: public:
037:     char cmd[256];
038:     char fIn[MAX_PATH],fOut[MAX_PATH];
039:     int Hdst; // 表示先  [file or stdout]
040:     int link; // リンク先の表示
041:     int url;  // 基準となるURLの設定
042: public:
043:     CHtmlOption()
044:     {
045:         memset(cmd,0,sizeof(char)*256);
046:         strcpy(fIn,std_in);
047:         strcpy(fOut,std_out);
048:         Hdst   = DST_FILE;
049:         link   = SW_NOLINK;
050:         url    = BASE_NONE;
051:     }
052:     CHtmlOption& operator=(CHtmlOption &opt)
053:     {
054:         strcpy(cmd,opt.cmd);
055:         strcpy(fIn,opt.fIn);
056:         strcpy(fOut,opt.fOut);
057:         Hdst   = opt.Hdst;
058:         link   = opt.link;
059:         url    = opt.url;
060:         return *this;
061:     }
062: };
063: //-----------------------------------------------------------------
064: //
065: // CHtml2Txt Class:
066: //   convert C/C++ source to HTML document
067: //
068: //-----------------------------------------------------------------
069: class CHtml2Txt
070: {
071:     FILE *OFP;
072:     CHtmlOption cmdopt;
073:     int Run,tci,fcLen,lineSum,tabSum;
074:     int swQuote;
075:     char DocTitle[256],BaseURL[MAX_PATH],BaseFile[MAX_PATH];
076:     // HTML and TEXT document Buffer
077:     char *Hcode,*Tcode;
078: public:
079:     // コマンドヘルプ
080:     void usage();
081:     // プログラムの引数の読取
082:     int Read_arg(int argc,char* argv[],CHtmlOption& cmdopt);
083:     // コンストラクタ
084:     CHtml2Txt(int argc,char* argv[]);
085:     CHtml2Txt(CHtmlOption opt);
086:     CHtml2Txt();
087:     // デストラクタ
088:     ~CHtml2Txt();
089:     // クラスデータの初期化
090:     void InitClass();
091:     void FreeCode();
092:     //--------------------------------------------------
093:     // URL の指定
094:     //--------------------------------------------------
095:     void SetURL(char* baseurl);
096:     //--------------------------------------------------
097:     // HTMLコードの読込み
098:     //--------------------------------------------------
099:     void SetCode(char* src);
100:     int  ReadCode();
101:     int  ReadFile(char* fname);
102:     //--------------------------------------------------
103:     // 変換実行
104:     //--------------------------------------------------
105:     int Convert();
106:     //--------------------------------------------------
107:     // HTMLのコピー
108:     //--------------------------------------------------
109:     int  CodeLen();
110:     void GetCode(char* dst);
111:     //--------------------------------------------------
112:     // 書き出し
113:     //--------------------------------------------------
114:     void WriteCode();
115:     void TextOut();
116:     //--------------------------------------------------
117:     // 一般
118:     //--------------------------------------------------
119:     // Hcode 初期化
120:     int Initbuf(int buflen);
121:     // Hcode へ文字列を挿入
122:     void strpush(char* buf);
123:     void charpush(char buf);
124:     //--------------------------------------------------
125:     // 記号の変換
126:     //--------------------------------------------------
127:     int rep_key(char* h_code,int iPos,char* sym,char* repstr);
128:     //--------------------------------------------------
129:     // タグの変換
130:     //--------------------------------------------------
131:     int rep_tag(char* h_code,int iPos,char* tag,char* repstr);
132:     int ch_title(char* h_code,int iPos);
133:     int get_title(char* h_code,int iPos);
134:     int ch_ruby(char* h_code,int iPos);
135:     int get_ruby(char* h_code,int iPos);
136:     int ch_line(char* h_code,int iPos);
137:     int rep_line(char* h_code,int iPos);
138:     int ch_link(char* h_code,int iPos);
139:     int rep_link(char* h_code,int iPos);
140:     int ch_image(char* h_code,int iPos);
141:     int rep_image(char* h_code,int iPos);
142:     int ch_region(char* h_code,int iPos,int tagi);
143:     int region_skip(char* h_code,int iPos,int tagi);
144:     //--------------------------------------------------
145:     // convert: HTML document to TEXT document
146:     //--------------------------------------------------
147:     void html2txt();
148: };
150: #endif //__INCLUDE_HTML2TXT_H__
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